Festival | Music

Tonehenge, Bradford

14 Dec 2024

12:00 - 23:00

The Underground

A Pilgrimage in Sonic Mayhem. A full day of some of the UK’s best heavy underground artists. Old Horntooth – London based Doom power trio playing slow, heavy, fuzzed out riffs and hypnotic vocals with a sinister undercurrent of noise. https://oldhorntooth.bandcamp.com/music Battalions – Dirt ridden sludge from the wastelands of Hull. Formed in January 2010 https://battalionsdirt.bandcamp.com/…/king-of-a-dead-world The Grey – Cambridge post-metallers The Grey make (largely instrumental) music that weighs down like few others – marrying the pummelling feel of a band like Neurosis or Karma To Burn to big themes with striking nuance and colour. https://thegrey2.bandcamp.com/music Yersin – A three piece extreme metal band from the bleak and barren part of the world known as the North East of England.
For fans of aggression, hatred, violence, riffs, screams and blastbeats. https://yersinofficial.bandcamp.com/music Pallid Mask – Fuzzy hardcore thrash from Leeds, UK https://pallidmask6.bandcamp.com/album/demos Druidess – Iommi Worship / Heavy Psych from Newcastle upon Tyne https://druidessuk.bandcamp.com/album/hermits-mandrakes Nowt – Fetid sludge from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. https://nowtdoom.bandcamp.com/album/eternal-punishment Sabbat Wolf – Prog doom metal band based out of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England. https://www.facebook.com/sabbatwolf
Age Guidance
Age 12-17 must attend with an adult. Age 0-11 must leave by 9pm.

Ticket Information

General £12.00

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Venue Details

The Underground

9 Duke Street

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