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Nicholas Bielby and Sue Vickerman at Beehive Poets

7 Feb 2025

19:00 - 21:00

City Library

Join Beehive Poets for our next meeting, at 7PM on Friday 7th February in Bradford City Library. We are absolutely pleased to have a guest appearance by Sue Vickerman, supported by a reading from Nicholas Bielby.
As a freelance writer Sue Vickerman has benefited from five Arts Council awards over the last three decades, and has published four works of fiction, five pamphlet-sized poetry collections, and two literary translations from German: a short story collection and a poetry collection. In recent times she has written a feature-length comedy film screenplay called Special Needs about an interracial lesbian relationship between two Bradford teachers, and also a stage play called My Body My Self which aims to feed into the national conversations about 1. menopausal sufferings and 2. transgender issues. In 2025 Broken Sleep Books will publish Sue's latest volume of poems, A Suitcaseful of Dog.

Nicholas Bielby was a (just) pre-War baby, born in London but quickly evacuated to rural Sussex. When he was 8, the family moved to Huddersfield, where he grew up. After teaching in India and Nigeria, in Special and Primary education, he spent most of his career in teacher education at Margaret McMillan College, Bradford College and Leeds University before retiring a generation ago. Since retiring he was for 15 years Editor of Pennine Platform, the poetry magazine, and founded and currently runs the small press publisher, Graft Poetry. An Arvon International prize-winning poet, he has four academic and six poetry books of his own to his credit, and another poetry book due out this year. He has lived in Frizinghall for fifty years. He used to sail and paint a great deal.

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Ticket Information

General -no charge Free

Venue Details

City Library

Centenary Square

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