This year's theme for Race Equality Week (3rd - 9th Febuary) is #EveryActionCounts.
REN has teamed up the Ella Baker School of Organising to bring you this FREE training.
Sessions will explore:
Narratives of Division and Class. What are the underlying issues that are making our people so bitter, and how can we begin to address that resentment?
Mapping division in our communities. This session explores where are the divisions, and what practically can we do to reduce them?
Transformative conversations. We won’t convince anyone that they are wrong by calling them stupid, or shouting over them, so how do we engage effectively with people whose views we oppose?
Join us at what we hope will be the start of a community building project which will see our communities work together for the good of all, and inoculate our people from the narratives of blame.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.