Experience live theatre in its rawest and most exciting form as the Studio presents an ITCH scratch night, featuring players from the Bingley Little Theatre performing new and exciting material, script-in-hand.
It will be an evening to remember, as the audience gets involved with the proceedings, providing immediate feedback to the playwrights who created the evening’s entertainment, helping them grow and develop their material, material which – in time – we hope to see developed into full productions.
Tickets are available with a pie and pea supper, helping this artistic and creative event to be highly memorable on the social front too. Come and join us in fostering the playwrights of tomorrow – you won’t regret it! ITCH is BLT Studio’s New Writing strand.
If you have an up-to-10 minute piece of new writing – and it can be on SUPERSTITION (or if that stumps you, any other topic!). Send your entry to bacitch@myyahoo.com and your piece could be entertaining the population of Bingley and beyond in September!