This workshop is for those who have experimented with cyanotype printing before, and would like to see how the process can work on wood. We will work on different sizes and shapes of pre-coated wood to make postcards, coasters, display pieces – and the pièce de resistance – a travel flower press. It is taking place on the summer solstice, so we’ll use the peak of the sunshine to work outside in the Short & Few garden, and spend the last half hour assembling our flower presses.
Botanical cuttings provided and access the snip away from the garden, but feel free to bring your own fresh or dried flowers along to use. Should the weather be unkind, we will use UV lightboxes in the cabin.
This workshop is designed for those who have done one of my previous cyanotypes courses (or learned the process for themselves), as the focus will be as much practical play as possible with encouragement and support to be independent and experimental.
Spaces are limited to 5 people per session, and the workshop costs includes hot/cold refreshments (and probably an ice cream, after all – it is summer!). If you have any dietary requirements, please email
As the workshop is takinf place outside during the summer, please prepare yourself accordingly for working in the sun (sun cream, hat, etc.) Please also wear scruffs/bring and apron, though I do have disposable aprons you can use.