NSFW – modern comedic drama by Lucy Kirkwood 20-25 January – The Theatre Upstairs 'Timely, provocative... studded with moments of outrageous humour' NB: NSFW (Not Safe For Work) is online material which the viewer may not want to be seen accessing in a public or formal setting.
NSFW is set in the offices of Doghouse – a lad’s mag where the boys are behaving badly; and Electra – a woman’s mag where the girls are having a whale of a time. The play cleverly blends the farcical with the profound; the moral with the forbidden, as it takes an hilarious, yet disturbing, look at the fast-paced, cut-throat media world. In doing so, it exposes power games and privacy in the age of Photoshop. NSFW is a witty, relatable play, which raises many issues facing young people today, including sexism, pornography, free will, consent, and the challenge of finding work after University.
Age Guidance
14+ Contains Adult ThemesTicket Information
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