Beehive Poets will be meeting at City Library, Centenary Square, Bradford, BD1 1SD (PLEASE NOTE NEW VENUE) at 7:00PM on Monday 17th June.
This month will feature a reading of Rilke translations by Martyn Crucefix. Martyn is an award winning poet and translator. Recent publications: Between a Drowning Man (2023) is published by Salt. Also, Cargo of Limbs (Hercules Editions, 2019); These Numbered Days, translations of Peter Huchel (Shearsman, 2019) won the Schlegel-Tieck Translation Prize, 2020; translations of essays by Lutz Seiler, In Case of Loss, is published by And Other Stories (2023). A Rilke Selected, Change Your Life, has just been published by Pushkin Press (2024). Blog and website at
René Maria Rilke (1875 – 1926), better known as Rainer Maria Rilke, was a Bohemian-Austrian poet. He is considered one of the most significant poets to have ever written in the German language. His passionate, haunting images vividly capture the everyday combined with a yearning to commune with the ineffable. In an age of disbelief, solitude, and profound anxiety, such themes position him as a transitional figure, between the traditional and the modernist poets. He wrote both verse and highly lyrical prose. Among English-language readers, his best-known work is the Duino Elegies; his two most famous prose works are the Letters to a Young Poet and the semi-autobiographical Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge.